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50 % openvz and xen vps Immediate setup big ram and HD

发表于 2010-2-15 03:48:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
i don't know this correct forums or not iam sorry if not

VPS account isolates you from other users on the server, allowing you to choose your operating system, control panel, and the ability to install software and make changes with full ROOT access, not possible on a regular shared environment.
If your website/s are outgrowing a normal shared environment or you want a more reliable platform for your information, this is the solution. You get all the benefits of performance hardware and speed, without the price tag of a similar server.

All servers We configured as follows:
#  Dual Opteron Quad Core 2356 or Intel Core i7 x8 CPU
# 32 GB Or 12 GB Interleaved ECC server memory
# 2 x TB hard drives
# Hot-Swap Drives
# Nodes Locations United States Clarks Summit
# File test

All vps Immediate Setup, Promotional Code 50% , we never oversell

Openvz VPs

Disk Space 20GB   
Monthly Bandwidth 400 GB
Guaranteed Memory (RAM) 256MB
Burst Memory (RAM)   512MB
1 IP Address

Disk Space 40GB
Monthly Bandwidth 1500GB
Guaranteed Memory (RAM) 1024MB (1GB)
Burst Memory (RAM)   2048MB    (2GB)
Solusvm Features
1 IP Address

Disk Space 80GB
Monthly Bandwidth 1500
Guaranteed Memory (RAM)  (1.5GB)
Burst Memory (RAM)       (3GB)
Solusvm Features
2 IP Address

Disk Space 150GB
Monthly Bandwidth 2000
Guaranteed Memory (RAM) (3GB)
Burst Memory (RAM)    (5GB)
Solusvm Features
2 IP Address

more information


xen vps

Disk Space 20GB   
Monthly Bandwidth 500 GB
Dedicated RAM      512MB
Swap               1 GB
Solusvm Features
1 IP Address

Disk Space 40GB   
Monthly Bandwidth 1500 GB
Dedicated RAM      1 GB
Swap               2 GB
Solusvm Features
1 IP Address

Disk Space 80GB   
Monthly Bandwidth 1500 GB
Dedicated RAM      2 GB
Swap               3 GB
Solusvm Features
2 IP Address

Disk Space 150GB   
Monthly Bandwidth 200 GB
Dedicated RAM      3 GB
Swap               4 GB
Solusvm Features
2 IP Address

more information


[ 本帖最后由 up2vps 于 2010-2-15 23:40 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +25 收起 理由
wzwen + 25 真的是洋鬼子啊???


发表于 2010-2-15 03:51:22 | 显示全部楼层
where is the located
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-15 03:53:06 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cw723 于 2010-2-15 03:51 发表
where is the located

United States Clarks Summit
发表于 2010-2-15 03:53:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-2-15 03:57:44 | 显示全部楼层
Premium peer 1 Bandwidth
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-15 04:01:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Showfom 于 2010-2-15 03:57 发表
Premium peer 1 Bandwidth

what problem?
发表于 2010-2-15 04:15:12 | 显示全部楼层
only 20KB/S..
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-15 04:30:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 zjsz007 于 2010-2-15 04:15 发表
only 20KB/S..

100mbps port 11M/s download speed
发表于 2010-2-15 04:43:41 | 显示全部楼层

回复 6# 的帖子

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>tracert up2vps.com

Tracing route to up2vps.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    13 ms    13 ms    14 ms
  2    13 ms    14 ms    13 ms
  3    14 ms    13 ms    14 ms
  4    14 ms    14 ms    14 ms
  5    19 ms    20 ms    20 ms
  6    20 ms    21 ms    20 ms
  7    23 ms    23 ms    24 ms
  8    23 ms    23 ms    23 ms
  9    23 ms    24 ms    24 ms
10   203 ms   203 ms   202 ms
11   203 ms   203 ms   203 ms
12   199 ms   199 ms   199 ms
13   204 ms   205 ms   203 ms  te0-12-0-0.rar3.sanjose-ca.us.xo.net [207.88.
14   275 ms   277 ms   275 ms  te-2-0-0.rar3.washington-dc.us.xo.net [207.88
15   273 ms   274 ms   274 ms []
16   283 ms   283 ms   283 ms []
17   427 ms   408 ms   449 ms  core.sctn02.volumedrive.com []
18   285 ms   284 ms   286 ms

Trace complete.

xo.net is not good in China
 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-15 04:52:06 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Showfom 于 2010-2-15 04:43 发表
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>tracert up2vps.com

Tracing route to up2vps.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    13 ms    13 ms    14 ms
  2    13 ms    14 ms  ...

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